Ben Hogan’s REAL Golf Swing Secret That He Took To His Grave Is Finally Discovered -- And It's Unlike Anything You've EVER Seen Before...

The Stress-Free Golf Swing Review

The Stress-Free Golf swing was created by Jeff Richmond of 
There is an interesting story to the creation of this swing, because Jeff claims he accidently 
discovered a secret move that Ben Hogan made in his golf swing. 

Jeff says he made this discovery on the 5th of March, 2015. Jeff knows the exact date because  the discovery was made when he was analyzing 23 great golfers swings for a blog post he was doing, to see how much head movement great golfers have in their swings. 

The move Jeff found Ben Hogan does is completely contrary to what is traditionally taught in the golf swing, and after discovering it Jeff was keen to try it himself. After trying the move Jeff played a game a week later and hit 14 greens in regulation. Then for the next 8 months Jeff continued to use the move and averaged 12 greens in regulation over that period, up from an average 10 greens in regulation. 

After another great ball striking game in October Jeff decided to make this move public. 
He waited so long because he didn't believe Ben Hogan had a secret that would work for everyone.  But Jeff realized that his continued great results could not be denied.
So he put his discovery into a detailed PDF and made some videos to show how to do this move, and announced it to his 100,000+ golfers that follow him, for them to try, but he only put it on the market for 7 days, to get a small test group of golfers to test it out and to see if the secret move would work for them as well as it did for Jeff. This took place on the 20th of November, 2015. 

On the 28th of January, 2016 Jeff emailed the testers for their feedback, and the results astounded Jeff. 

So what is the one secret move?

Due to copyright rules and regulations, I'm unable to disclose details of the secret discovered. But I can say that the one secret move goes completely against what is taught traditionally in the golf swing. And this one swing secret makes timing a lot easier. Jeff provides proof of Ben Hogan before the accident and after the accident showing this magic move, which I like. 

As Ben Hogan said about his secret, "it's easy to spot if you know where to look". And it is very easy to spot.  When you get the Stress-Free Golf swing you get a PDF and videos that show you how to do this move. 

It's a very simple move in theory, but for most people it will take a bit of getting used to, as it's a contrary move to what is taught in the golf swing and what pretty much every golfer 
would be used to. But when you get this one move, the results are amazing. 

 The golf swing is much easier to time and perfect. The golf swing becomes simple and easy to repeat. I have tried many different types of swings over the years and The Stress-Free Golf swing is by far the best and simplest. 

So if you want to hit the ball further and straighter, go here to check out The Stress-Free Golf Swing. I can't recommend this highly enough. Overall Opinion: Highly Recommended 

Are you ready to take your game to the next level...
This One Secret “Short Game Discovery” Will Have You Hitting It "Inside the Leather" and 
Getting The Ball Up and Down from Just About Anywhere.... 
Even If Your Short Game Stinks Right Now.

When you understand this simple concept, you'll transfer your mediocre short game into one of confidence, earning the respect of your golfing buddies
(they may even start calling you a short game "guru")
This One Secret “Short Game Discovery” 
  • Will Have You Hitting It "Inside the Leather".
  •  Getting The Ball Up and Down from Just About Anywhere.
  •  Put Less Pressure On Your Long Game.
  •  Have the Best Short Game in Your Group.

"Best Decision EVER"

Finally no more chunking, duffing, and skulling balls all over the GREEN.

- Eric Smith


3 Easy Steps to a 
Professional Swing Plane
What Is The Swing Plane

When you start looking at the swing plane you can get confused - FAST!
It's an area where the more scientific/engineer types seem to have a field day. And if 
you're not that way inclined you can read and watch some stuff on the swing 
plane that will just give you a headache!
In today's article, I'm going to try to keep this nice and simple so we can all be on 
the same page for the rest of this swing plane series. Now, the swing plane first 
became popular thanks to Ben Hogan and his image of a pane of glass.

When Ben Hogan was talking about the swing plane in terms of the pane of glass, 
he wanted the left arm, hands, club etc. to stay below that pane of glass 
in the backswing and downswing.
But when Ben Hogan's famous five lessons book was published in 1957, they didn't 
have the technology like we do today to dissect the golf swing to the nth degree. 
And so the concepts of the swing plane have evolved a lot from the simple 
illustration that Ben Hogan gave us.

So what is the golf swing plane?

Well, the golf swing plane is an imaginary flat service that is used to determine 
what path certain parts of the body and club are traveling on 
throughout the golf swing.

This may sound stupid, but it has to be said.... the golf club cannot move itself. 
A lot of times when people look at the swing plane they only look at the shaft. 
But the shaft is only moving as a result of the body movements. So you need to 
look very carefully at the plane your body is moving on when looking at swing plane.
There are three swing planes in the golf swing, and they are:

1. The backswing plane          
2. The downswing plane, and
3. The follow-through plane.   

It's important to note that I said above "certain parts of the body and club", because 
when you swing your shoulders move on a plane. Your elbows move on a plane. 
Your hands move on a plane, your club moves on a plane etc, etc.

That's why if you see someone analyzing a golf swing, they'll draw a lot of lines 
to try to analyze what plane different parts of the body and club are moving on.
When you swing you're obviously swinging in a circular pattern. And because you're 
bent over when swinging your swing plane is tilted. How much it is tilted depends on 
the player's height, how they stand to the ball, the club being used etc. etc. 

There's a number of different variables. So everyone will not have the same swing 
plane because of this. And so there's no one exact swing plane for everyone. 
When I say that, I'm talking about absolute degrees of swing plane. But there 
are good reference points every golfer can use, and I'm going to discuss 
these in this swing plane educational series.

When you hear about swing plane you often hear people saying that
"so and so" has a flat swing plane, or this golfer has a steep swing plane.
When people say that, what are they referring too?

Most of the time they are referring to the shaft angle. And a good checkpoint 
is halfway into the backswing. A famous golf pro who is said to have a flat swing 
plane is Zach Johnson. Zach uses a one plane swing to hit the golf ball. 
So anyone that is a fan of the one plane golf swing will not say that 
Zach's swing is flat. They'll say it's on plane. Click the button below 
to learn more about Swing Plane.


5 Minutes to 
GREAT Putting
The Putting Game Improvement Program
*Professional Putting Tip*
Today I'm going to give you a simple (yet very powerful) putting tip that could help you to save a lot of strokes every time you play.

One putting tip can easily do that. Just look at Rory McIlroy for example... his putting has been very poor of late, and then he makes a small change to his right hand putting grip and wins the Deutsche Bank Championship.

The more I look into putting improvement the more I think a lot of it relates to self-discipline, and here's one big tip to help you with this.

Every time you watch golf on T.V. you see a ton of putting by the pros. And there's one thing they all do that most amateurs and bad putters certainly don't do.Next time you watch golf on T.V. notice how at the end of the pros putting strokes they all hold their finish.

 It might be for a second or some even longer. Then, the next time you play with your buddies watch their finish, and I bet you won't see many hold their finish like the pros - UNLESS they are a good putter.
Instead, you'll see lots of waving the putter after the ball is hit. Like they're trying to control the ball somehow after it's been hit.

It seems like a subtle difference but...
Good putter - Holds the finish.             
Bad putter - Doesn't hold the finish.   
Now if you're a bad putter and you start holding the finish are you going to start holing everything? Probably not.

But I bet you'll putt better, and here's why. Good putters make good, confident strokes and hold their finish. They're not trying to steer the ball into the hole, Bad putters make steering type of strokes and keep trying to steer the ball into the hole after they've hit it.

At the start of this article, I said that the more I look at putting improvement the more I think it relates to self-discipline, and that's especially true with this tip.

Holding your finish OR NOT is a habit. If you want to improve your putting then make holding your finish a habit. To do this, simply every time you putt hold your follow-through for 3 seconds.
By doing this and making it a habit you'll "program" yourself to make good strokes without so much concern from trying to get the ball into the hole.

I'm sure you've heard the expression that "trying fails". And that's especially true with putting. If you try hard to steer the ball into the hole you'll often miss. But if you make a good putting stroke and let the outcome take care of itself, you'll often get better results.

Putting accounts for about 43% of every game of golf you play, and this month I'm going to help you more to improve your putting so you take strokes off your scores. It really is the quickest and easiest place to do that, so stay tuned.

Mental Golf


“Do You Want to unlock the pro’s ‘Secrets to the Mental Game’ and Learn How To Train Your mind For Maximum Performance on the Course?”
Oh and Did I Mention You’ll Only Pay If You Get Results? It's True!
Golf Confidence.  When you have it, you score low. When you don't have it, you score high.  It really is a crucial aspect needed for you to score low, but the thing is.... 
How do you have golf confidence all the time? 

Well, here's a little simple trick for you. 
When you smile you can't be angry, right?  Your body is pre-programmed to feel happy when you smile. 
Your body is also programmed that if you move a certain way (displaying confidence) then you're more likely to feel confident.  Imagine for a moment....
You've just hit a golf shot and it was a shocker. How would you walk??  Now imagine...
You've just hit a great golf shot. How would you walk after that shot??   Obviously you're going to walk differently after a great shot. So how can you use that to hit more great shots and be more confident?
Well, before every golf shot you need to make a conscious effort to move your body as though you've just hit a great shot. Don't wait until you've hit a great golf shot to move your body confidently. Your body sends signals to your brain depending on how you move it, e.g. if you smile you'll feel happy.
So the next time you play golf, or even just practicing, move your body with confidence BEFORE each shot. Pretend you're moving your body as though you've just hit a great shot, and see your results.
I'm sure you'll find that you'll hit better shots and lower your scores.   Mental Golf Mastery Program - Unlock The Pro's Secrets To The Mental Game

Do You Have This Serious Golf Swing Fault?
Take this Quick and Easy
Golf Swing Test Now to Find Out
If you have this serious golf swing fault, it could be costing you...
       Distance - could be up to 50 yards
Consistency - fat shots, topped shots,  thin shots, toe/heel shots,  sky shots
     Accuracy - slice, pulls, pushes, hooks,  etc.
Ready To Start Your Journey
For a Better Swing?

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